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History (895) Politics and government (580) World War, 1939-1945 (310) Foreign relations (255) kansallissosialismi (226) historia (224) National socialism (219) Hitler, Adolf (162) Social conditions (154) Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) (151) Roosevelt, Franklin D. (133) Jews (129) nazism (121) toinen maailmansota (120) New Deal, 1933-1939 (98) juutalaisvainot (88) Political aspects (79) United States (78) juutalaiset (78) Economic conditions (77) Germany (77) natsit (64) Diplomatic history (61) andra världskriget (59) kolmas valtakunta (59) Presidents (57) Economic policy (56) judeförföljelser (56) poliittinen historia (55) Ethnic relations (53) Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (53) Social aspects (53) Historiography (50) Influence (48) antisemitismi (47) Tredje riket (46) World politics (45) keskitysleirit (45) holokausti (43) Government policy (42) Depressions (41) judar (41) Public opinion (39) Causes (37) nazister (37) Persecutions (36) Race relations (36) Heads of state (34) politisk historia (34) henkilöhistoria (33) kansainväliset suhteet (33) Antisemitism (31) fasismi (31) Church and state (30) antisemitism (30) Anti-Nazi movement (28) Psychological aspects (27) Political culture (26) koncentrationsläger (26) HISTORY / General (25) kansanmurha (25) Intellectual life (24) holocaust (23) African Americans (22) World War, 1914-1918 (22) Emigration and immigration (21) Moral and ethical aspects (21) Nazi propaganda (21) Nazis (21) Political activity (21) Popular culture (21) sotahistoria (21) ulkopolitiikka (21) Church history (20) Himmler, Heinrich (20) Relations (20) Statesmen (20) kolmas valtakunta (kansallissosialismi) (20) personhistoria (20) Political and social views (19) muistelmat (19) Friends and associates (18) Legal status, laws, etc (18) Racism (18) Social policy (18) politiikka (18) Children (17) Propaganda (17) elämäkerrat (17) fascism (17) vainot (17) Election (16) Social life and customs (16) internationella relationer (16) Civil rights (15) Cold War (15) Economic aspects (15) Liberalism (15) eugeniikka (15) krigshistoria (15)